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Customer demands to processed cheese producers are challenging: Characteristic, standardized cheese flavor profiles are mandatory in combination with a customized texture. The processing conditions, applying high temperature and often vacuum decrease the flavor intensity. Formulation costs need to be under control, in this highly competitive field of the food industry.
The usage of natural cheese flavor concentrates from Jeneil provides the solution for all this challenges:
Processed cheese is traditionally made by blending young neutral tasting cheese and a certain portion of ripened cheese for taste.
By the usage of the natural cheese flavor concentrates from Jeneil, different intensive cheese flavor profiles can be produced with one neutral cheese flavor base.
This results in reduced formulation costs and a highly efficient process.
Eating pleasure with low calories and a wide choice of different flavor varieties is a frequent consumer demand.
By applying Jeneil Starter Distillate to a low fat cream cheese, the impact of the missing milk fat could be reimbursed. Lowest addition rates of up to 0,2 % Flavor change the perception of fat reduced cream / cottage cheese completely. A rich cream and butter note, which makes the difference could be perceived.
Innovation and differentiation is a common demand by retail and food service customers.
Different variations of cream cheese (e.g. with different spices) are commonly available. An innovation could be cream cheese with different cheese profiles. Jeneil offers a wide variation of cheese flavor concentrates, which include the following advantages:
Analog / imitation cheeses are products which are cost reduced alternatives to traditional / real cheese. The basic difference is, that the most expensive dairy ingredients are replaced by cheaper plant ingredients. That means in particular, that the milk fat is replaced by vegetable fat and the casein is (partially) replaced by starch. The consequence of this substitution is a very poor cheese flavor. By using the cheese flavor concentrates from JENEIL, analog cheese with different cheese flavor profiles (e.g. Parmesan, Mozzarella, Gouda) could be produced. In addition, the unpleasant side notes, which are incorporated by other ingredients, could be masked.